A Sweet Project for Kids

A Sweet Project for Kids

I wanted to do some fun Valentines Day art project with the kids last weekend.

Since conversation hearts are the classic candy for Valentines Day, I thought these would be a perfect medium to use.


I saw some paper mache frames at Hobby Lobby that were only $1.99 and thought those would be perfect.  You could also use any type of wood frame.IMG_5919

I had acrylic paint already at home and the kids painted their frames and then added candy hearts.  We used Tacky glue so it was easy enough for the kids to use.They had fun picking out their candy hearts eating them too.  A simple and inexpensive project brought lots of smiles : )IMG_5928IMG_5969

I bought way too many candy hearts and then remembered I had some small canvases in the basement.  We painted them in fun colors and added hearts.

Evan made this one below.  We hot glued some string to the back and I hung on our door.  I love it!


You could also hang it on the wall or just set on a shelf like the one I did here.


If you get creative there are so many other ways you could incorporate these little hearts.

Happy Valentines Day!

